

As a child living in Bengaluru, 印度, Abdul Zameer always knew that he wanted to become an engineer. 他的职业选择对他的家人来说并不意外, 考虑到他在家里一直有一个优秀的榜样. “我父亲是一名总工程师,”他说. “The hard work and dedication he put into 印度’s Hydel Project inspired me to enter the engineering field.”

Abdul Zameer completed a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1999 at Karnatak University, Dharwad. 此后,他在机械方面积累了丰富的经验, electrical and plumbing) and project management in the Middle East and North Africa region.

He has worked on major infrastructure projects that have improved transportation for millions of people, 比如迪拜, 多哈和麦加地铁, 迪拜有轨电车网络和吉达机场. 在撰写本文时,他正在为2023年卡塔尔多哈世博会工作.


In 2013 Abdul Zameer started working for the WS Atkins team in Dubai. “阿特金斯, everybody talked about the 新萄新京十大正规网站 and the advantages it can bring to an engineering career, 所以我决定加入,他说. “两年后,当我在卡塔尔时,我成为了一名新萄新京十大正规网站志愿者. I focused on persuading my peers to become 新萄新京十大正规网站 members – I did this by promoting the benefits of the 新萄新京十大正规网站 platform and attaining Chartered Engineer status.”

Abdul Zameer took things a step further in October 2020 when he became a Professional Development Mentor (PDM). It’s a role he thoroughly enjoys: “The starting point is to understand what the mentee needs in terms of development support. 确定了这一点之后, I then provide guidance to help the mentee achieve their professional development goals.”

The advice that Abdul Zameer provides ranges from introducing the CEng process to explaining how to collect evidence for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and upload it to the 新萄新京十大正规网站 website.

“I make sure they understand the importance of CPD to their career progression,他说. “Many of my mentees have recorded between 40 and 50 hours of CPD every year – I’m very proud to have inspired them to achieve this.”

One of the biggest challenges Abdul Zameer faces in his Mentor role is geography: “I’m based in Qatar, but my mentees are usually located in other countries in the Middle East and 印度. This can be problematic if there’s a time difference, but we always find a way to make it work.”


In June 2021 Abdul Zameer took on an additional volunteer role: International 新萄新京十大正规网站注册 Advisor (IPRA). “I decided to become an IPRA because in Qatar there are many engineering professionals who want to know how to become chartered,他说.

As an IPRA he is responsible for providing advice on professional registration to candidates and actively promoting 新萄新京十大正规网站 membership. He said: “I review applications for CEng or IEng and advise candidates how to improve their application, 包括他们的能力报告.

“I emphasise the importance of including details of new technologies or tools that candidates have used in their work projects. I help them understand how to present their case in the right way for the assessment panel and provide one-to-one guidance to make sure they are fully aware of the latest UK-SPEC.”

What Abdul Zameer really enjoys about the IPRA role is the feeling that he has played an important role in helping candidates to complete an application that accurately reflects their experience, 技能, 能力与诚信. He said: “There’s nothing better than getting a message from a successful candidate telling me that my advice and feedback helped them to gain professional registration. 这让我感到非常自豪.”

2022年9月, Abdul Zameer took the logical next step on his 新萄新京十大正规网站 volunteer journey by becoming a Professional Review Interviewer. 在这个角色中, he’s responsible for drawing out information from candidates to verify the contents of their application and to demonstrate that they have attained the required level of competence.


Abdul Zameer是一位多产且高效的志愿者. 平均, 他每个月花大约50个小时在新萄新京十大正规网站志愿者活动上, 然而,他成功地保持了工作与生活的平衡.

His nomination for the 2022 新萄新京十大正规网站 Core Values Awards (CVA) competition says it all: “Abdul is extremely helpful, considerate and resourceful – a fantastic mentor who is consistently positive and exceptional at all that he does. He is a true champion for the IPRA service with a tireless dedication to serving the community. 是他说服我加入新萄新京十大正规网站的.

“他带来了一种深思熟虑的领导方式, 但同样也要有学习和倾听的意愿. His honesty, along with his friendly and considerate nature and qualities, make him a natural leader. He always sees the good side of people and encourages others to do the same. 其他人对阿卜杜勒的尊重是非同寻常的. 他是一个热情、有目标的人.”

2022年11月, Abdul was congratulated with a token of thanks by the 新萄新京十大正规网站 社区 Committee of South Asia for his commitment to supporting the professional development of engineers in 印度 and the Middle East.


Abdul Zameer has gained a huge amount from being an 新萄新京十大正规网站 volunteer. 他说:“志愿活动使我能够发展我的沟通能力, 人员管理和工作管理技能.

“它还提供了一个很好的社交平台, including opportunities to socialise with industry experts during training and workshop sessions. I’ve been able to improve my own knowledge and – most important of all – give something back to the engineering community.

“对我来说,志愿服务是一段学习和分享的旅程. 我强烈推荐它!”